Model Portability Landmark

WfMC announced last week the BPMN Model Portability Validation test. This is a test that certifies that a BPM diagram, of a specified complexity, can be accurately exchanged between tools that have passed the test.

The test starts with a diagram that incorporates all the required BPMN elements. Continue reading

Model Portability is No Accident

A process design ecosystem demands a reliable way to transfer the process definitions between tools.  Bruce Silver’s post on Model Portability in BPMN 2.0 is very timely indeed. What he demonstrates is four different modeling tools, drawing BPMN diagrams, writing the diagram as XPDL, and then reading those into Sketch Pad (an open source process modeler) and displaying the result. Continue reading

“BPM In Practice” in San Diego

On March 26, 2009 I will be participating in another “BPM in Practice” seminar in San Diego. This full day event will explore workflow and BPM from a number of different points of view. We start with the basic, advance quickly to the new enterprise architecture, and from there explore 5 key standards and how they might or might not be applicable. While there is an organized presentation, the sessions are generally intimate enough that we can have a discussion on any side topic that the audience wants to go into. Continue reading

Wisdom and Business Processes

Interesting link for the day. Barry Schwartz talks about wisdom and what it means to do a good job.

Barry Schwartz on our Loss of Wisdom

The reason I link it here is because everything he says is very applicable to the field of business processes.  He give an example where the official job description of a janitor does not actually describe the job.  This is not that surprising because when asked to describe a job or a process people often find they don’t really know the job.  He also talks about the dangers of over-reliance on rules with an example of lemonade and group of  social workers who obviously overreact to the situation but blame it on the need to follow rules.  In BPM we emphasize the need to use rules, but this is a great example of the downside to rules.  He says rules allow people to stop thinking.  He says we need more wisdom (but he does not say how to do this).

My question for the day: we can codify rules and incentives, but how can we make a business process which enhances (or at least rewards) wisdom?  What does “BPM for Wise People” look like?