Develop for Self-Managed Organizations

Here is a message from my friend, Robert Gilman, about participating with us on an open source platform for supporting a sociocratic organization.  It is the most interesting thing I have been involved in for years. Continue reading

To link or not to link

Google assumes that if you make a link to a site, then that is a worthwhile link to remember. Your link is a “vote” in increasing the popularity of that page in the search results. When a page contains false or misleading information, you don’t want to make that page easier to find. That is where DoNotLink comes in. Continue reading

3 Innovative Approaches to Process Modeling

In a post titled “Business Etiquette Modeling” I made a plea for modeling business processes such that they naturally deform themselves as needed to accommodate changes.  If we model a fixed process diagram, it is too fragile, and can be costly to manually maintain.  While I was at the EDOC conference and the BPM conference, I saw three papers that introduce innovations which are not completely defined solutions, they represent solid research on steps in the right direction.  Here is a quick summary of each. Continue reading

Zero-code BPM Systems

The concept of “zero code” is the wish-fulfillment myth of the BPM industry.  Many advertisements will claim that the processes can be designed without any coding.  This complete hog-wash.  There is, however, a possibility for a zero-code system, but let’s imagine how that would have to work. Continue reading

Automation Elevating Workers, Not Eliminating

A new study from Oxford says that 47% of the jobs in America are at risk of automation.  There is a lot of fear that a job automated is equivalent to a job eliminated. It is the same fear that fueled the Luddites, however history shows that fear to be misplaced then, as it is now.  Automation drives a transformation of the workplace, not an elimination. Continue reading

Registering Again … (Sigh)

The bane of social networking sites is the need to register one more username, one more password, and once more to fill in some sharable details.  That is sooooo 2008.   I am registering with a conference so I can select interesting presentations, and reminded once again how much I hate registering for sites. Continue reading

Post the Document on-line before Emailing it

If you are sending information to a group of people, you should FIRST post that information on-line, and THEN you should email everyone about it.  Today I experienced a classic violation of this guideline, and while the damage is not huge, it is so pointless.  I am documenting this case as an example of what not to do. Continue reading