What if the new Standard breaks the old tests?

Would you release a product to the public before you run the tests?  Whether you are manufacturing, or software, or agriculture, or anything, if you have a set of tests, you would run the tests before providing the final product to the pubic.  Makes sense, right?  The world of technology standards is different. Continue reading

Joining the DMN TCK

The DMN TCK is a group of people united around a single desire: we want to see DMN succeed as a decision modeling paradigm.  We want it to really work, and not simply be  another passing fad.  We want transparency of what the particular implementations can and can’t do, and we want an independent way to verify vendor claims.  Do you have a vested interest in DMN?  Maybe you should consider joining the TCK team to reduce your risk, and to assure the success of the DMN marketplace. Continue reading

Assistants Transform Data, Synchronize as Well

In previous post I introduce a scenario for cooperation between doctors, and show that a personal assistant is a good way to connect those in real time.  Here are some additional details that we should consider more carefully. Continue reading

Registering Again … (Sigh)

The bane of social networking sites is the need to register one more username, one more password, and once more to fill in some sharable details.  That is sooooo 2008.   I am registering with a conference so I can select interesting presentations, and reminded once again how much I hate registering for sites. Continue reading