Social Business: Identity and Reputation

Social Software is turning the idea of identity on it head.  Actually this is a trend that has been happening for long time, but it is being thrust into the public consciousness by the desire now to bring social systems into the enterprise: ESS.  It used to be that on the Internet nobody knows you are a dog), but that is changing.  What they do know is your reputation, which becomes your identity. Continue reading

Identity Update: Browsers with OpenID?

For about a year I have been pushing OpenID and OAuth as a key component to a large scale “Social Process” system (see posts here, here, and here). In the past year I have tested these ideas with a project called “Process Leaves” which is essentially a wiki which supports a couple of non-profit organizations I volunteer with. In order to access the protected content, you must log in with an OpenId. Yet there is still a problem. Continue reading

Web 2.1: How OpenID will rescue Web 2.0

I am a self acknowledged “Site Registration Hater” (SRH). I hate registering at web sites. The whole concept behind Web 2.0 is collaboration: the content comes from individual contributors and we build the web together. But every single place where you want to make a contribution, you have to register as a “user” of that site. Continue reading