Why I Still Get Paper Bills

I think it might be Ben Franklin who said “A paper bill is the worst way to get your account statement, except for all the other ways.” Or maybe not.  Whatever.  I still get a lot of bills on paper delivered through the (physical) mail, and here is why. Continue reading

Registering Again … (Sigh)

The bane of social networking sites is the need to register one more username, one more password, and once more to fill in some sharable details.  That is sooooo 2008.   I am registering with a conference so I can select interesting presentations, and reminded once again how much I hate registering for sites. Continue reading

Race-cars, Drivers, and Mechanics

I met with a Fujitsu executive last week, and we naturally got onto the topic of software development methodology. I presented my case that it is critical that programmers know the actual customer because 90% of all decisions that effect usability are made by the lowest programmer. He countered with a story from his own experience of how a race car mechanic and driver have to work as a team. Continue reading

Why you might need a ‘Business Crisis Inducer’

Is your organization running too smoothly?  Is everything being handled with a minimum of fuss?  Perhaps you need a ‘Business Crisis Inducer’ is a tool that causes randomized crisis events to challenge your organization.  Sound crazy?  It is not as crazy as you might first think. Continue reading