Analytics in the Swarm

Big data is a style of data analysis that reflects a return to large, centralized data repositories. Processing power and memory are getting cheaper, while the bandwidth among all the smart devices remains a barrier to getting all the data together in one place for analysis.  The trend is for putting the anaytics into the swarm of devices known as the Internet of Things (IoT) Continue reading

Process Mining MOOC on Coursera

Whether you call it Process Mining, or Automated Process Discovery, nobody can deny that this field that combines big data analytics with business process is at the center of an important transformation in the workplace.  Process mining is useful to kickstart the implementation of predefined BPM diagrams, and it is also useful in unpredictable case management to see what has been done and whether it is compliant with all the rules.  What would you give to attend a complete, college level course on process mining?  What if it was free? Continue reading

Zero-code BPM Systems

The concept of “zero code” is the wish-fulfillment myth of the BPM industry.  Many advertisements will claim that the processes can be designed without any coding.  This complete hog-wash.  There is, however, a possibility for a zero-code system, but let’s imagine how that would have to work. Continue reading

Process Cloud Concept for Case Management

A most interesting talk at BPMN2012 today was about case management, presented by Volker Gruhn on “Managing & Tracing the Traversals of Process Clounds with Templates, Agendas and Artifacts” from a short paper he did with his collegues from Essen: Marian Benner, Matthias Book, Tobias Brückmann, Thomas Richter and Sema Seyhan.  They confirm all the design principles of ACM. Continue reading

Process Analytics Webinar with Sandy Kemsley

I did a web presentation with Sandy Kemsley on the subject of Crossing the Next Frontier of Business Process Management: Introducing Process Intelligence.” The webcast went well, and I really appreciated Sandy’s clear and accurate descriptions of how process mining works.  It also touched on Fujitsu’s new Interstage Process Analytics product.  Access the webcast and related things at the BPM For Agile Enterprise site. Continue reading

Storytelling derails Process Discovery

There is an interesting video “Your Storytelling Brain”  from Cognitive Neuroscientist Michael Gazzaniga who talks about how we remember things.  He describes a part of the brain called “the interpreter” which functions to organize memories into plausible stories.  This is great most of the time, but causes a type of memory distortion that is gets in the way of designing appropriate business processes. Continue reading

Flipping the Process Life Cycle

It is a simple idea, but one of those key differences that makes all the difference.  We all know the traditional process life cycle: design the process, automate it, measure performance, and cycle around to improve the design. Instead, we should completely throw the old process life cycle.  Don’t design a process, but instead give people a tool they use to get work done.  Then, after the fact, we look and see what the process was. Continue reading