Models and Organizations Don’t Mix

This another installment in the series pointing out the problems with using a hand-drawn business process model.  The last post was how a business process model fails in the promise to be easier than programming.  Even if you get past that issue, and hire programmers to make the models, a static model is not really suitable for a human organization anyway. Continue reading

Why Does Digital Transformation Need Case Management?

A platform for digital transformation brings a number of different capabilities together: processes, agents, integration, analytics, decisions, and — perhaps most important — case management.  Why case management?  What does that really bring to the table and why is it needed?

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AdaptiveCM Workshop in America for first time

The Sixth International AdaptiveCM Workshop will be associated with the EDOC conference this year, which will be held in Quebec City in October 2017 and is the first opportunity for many US and Canadian researchers to attend without having to travel to Europe. Continue reading

Develop for Self-Managed Organizations

Here is a message from my friend, Robert Gilman, about participating with us on an open source platform for supporting a sociocratic organization.  It is the most interesting thing I have been involved in for years. Continue reading